Thursday, November 4, 2010

Stroller Club Flyer

This is a sample flyer that I made up for our Stroller Club, don't forget to put a cute picture in the top corner!

Brandon's Stroller Club

A group for moms and mom to bes.

If you need to exercise but don't have the motivation come join us on our weekly walk through the Shoppers Mall (not outside in the cold). Stay healthy while enjoying the company of other moms and the convenience of a food court! (You can't walk without a smoothie!)

Every Wednesday at 2 we meet in the food court and walk for 1/2 an hour to an hour.

See you there!
~And don't forget to invite your favorite walking buddys!!~

*For more info call .....

Brandon's Stroller Club

A group for moms and mom to bes.

If you need to exercise but don't have the motivation come join us on our weekly walk through the Shoppers Mall (not outside in the cold). Stay healthy while enjoying the company of other moms and the convenience of a food court! (You can't walk without a smoothie!)

Every Wednesday at 2 we meet in the food court and walk for 1/2 an hour to an hour.

See you there!
~And don't forget to invite your favorite walking buddys!!~

*For more info call ..........

Brandon's Stroller Club

A group for moms and mom to bes.

If you need to exercise but don't have the motivation come join us on our weekly walk through the Shoppers Mall (not outside in the cold). Stay healthy while enjoying the company of other moms and the convenience of a food court! (You can't walk without a smoothie!)

Every Wednesday at 2 we meet in the food court and walk for 1/2 an hour to an hour.

See you there!
~And don't forget to invite your favorite walking buddys!!~

*For more info call ......

Brandon's Stroller Club

A group for moms and mom to bes.

If you need to exercise but don't have the motivation come join us on our weekly walk through the Shoppers Mall (not outside in the cold). Stay healthy while enjoying the company of other moms and the convenience of a food court! (You can't walk without a smoothie!)

Every Wednesday at 2 we meet in the food court and walk for 1/2 an hour to an hour.

See you there!
~And don't forget to invite your favorite walking buddys!!~

*For more info call ......

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