Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Darn Nipple Shield

So Austin has been attached to this thing since like day 2 when I started breastfeeding. We had general anesthesia and he was a couple weeks early, the doctor said he was a bit premature and we had a horrendous labor, so all in all he was a very tired baby who did not want to latch. I tried the shield every couple times I fed him because the nurses kept saying I should try it, but he just kept falling asleep after not being very successful with anything. Until he decided he REALLY liked this nipple shield and it's been our constant companion ever since. I had even tried weaning him from it a couple times and had pretty much given up all hope of that. That is up until a couple days ago, Thursday to be exact.

On Thursday I was beginning to get frustrated, every time I fed him he would turn his head and knock the thing off a gazillion times. He was also doing this the night before which is really frustrating when you're trying to sleep and he's knocking off this thing and getting mad. So all in all, I was done, I told him "if you don't stop it I'm giving you the boob!" So I did. Apparently that was what he wanted because we haven't used it since. Even going to sleep, he used to suck on that thing to go to sleep, no way was a soother going to take it's place, I would have to stick that thing on for him every night. No more!!!

I still feed him to sleep but it's SOO much easier without the nipple shield, and way less messy, before I was leaving huge wet spots on the bed because the milk would fill up in the shield and I would fall fast asleep and Austin would just sit there with it in his mouth until he decided he didn't want it and then would knock it off to get away. Resulting in a big capsule of milk dumping on the sheet every time I fed him in the night. And try finding a clear silicone nipple in your bed in the middle of the night. Not fun. So needless to say, I am thrilled to pieces to be done with this thing!!!!

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