Thursday, July 1, 2010

33 Weeks

Well my belly is getting bigger everyday, little one likes to hang out pushed right up against my rib cage. I'm done work now at least so I've been working really hard at getting the house back up to par (as in spotless, I'm a cleaning nazi). Since monday I've gotten the bathroom done, laundry caught up, living room done, kitchen and bedroom almost done. It's mostly projects that need to be done to clean up, as in organize my church notes from the past 3 years (which I did today), organize my recipes, finish going through random recipe magazines so I can toss them out etc. All time consuming projects that I can only get done one at a time. After devoting 3 days to cleaning I decided to work on my craft pile in the living room. I've gotten a few things done already and am now looking up some patterns to make a teddy bear from sweaters. It's Canada day today so Dallas and I are listening to all that's going on from our house. He's also playing video games...go figure. This poor baby gets to listen to guns and swearing every I took Toby and Brandy to the festivities today, they've never been to a big public event before and I was very ambitious to take them on my own in the sweltering heat when I am very easily annoyed lol, but it went really well I was quite proud of them. Well, back to projects, I need to get my craft show stuff done so I can work on baby room stuff...

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