Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cloth Diaper Short Reviews on Major Brands

This is currently my fave diaper, I love how easy it is compared to my fitteds which have an insert so it just seems like so many pieces, and it seems like Austin is just growing out of the fitteds so fast while the BumGenius I know he'll fit right through to the end. My next diaper purchase I'll buy one size again, probably Katydids. I also have a stash of Fuzzibunz in size med that I got for a steal of a deal at Mother of a Sale, one of many sites that send you a sweet deal every day or week . If you haven't you need to register at these awesome websites:

Mother of a Sale
YummyMummy Club
Baby Heist

I'm sure there's more out there, but these are the ones I know of right now!

I use the Bummis SuperBrite covers too and they're pretty good but I would like to make some fleece and wool covers so that Austin can have some time out from plastic and they just seem like they would be so cozy. :)

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